Connect with your Florida Math Community in
FCTM is currently planning its 71st Annual Conference. Join hundreds of math education professionals in Orlando as we celebrate Ignite Your Light. The conference committee is hard at work planning compelling sessions, networking opportunities, and valuable content.
Whether you’re a PreK to Grade 12 classroom teacher, math coach, administrator, math teacher educator, preservice teacher, or math specialist, you will want to join us in Orlando to see what the 2024 conference has to offer!
Caribe Royale
8101 World Center Dr
Orlando, FL 32821
Thursday to Saturday
June 20-22, 2024
Early Registration is now open until March 1. Register today and join math colleagues from around the state for a pivotal time of networking and professional development.
Early Bird Registration rate will be $80 until 3/1/2024.
The Normal Registration rate will be $100 beginning 3/1/2024.
Note: Must be an FCTM member to attend. If you’re not currently an FCTM member, plan to add $30 to your registration option to join.
Bulk Registration is closed at this time.
Opening Session Speaker
Sal Khan
Sal Khan is the founder and CEO of Khan Academy, a nonprofit educational organization that offers free lessons in math, science and humanities, as well as tools for parents, teachers and districts to track student progress. Khan Academy is piloting an AI guide called Khanmigo that is a tutor and teaching assistant. The organization partners with more than 500 public school districts and schools across the United States. Worldwide, Khan Academy has more than 160 million registered users in 190 countries, with free lessons available in more than 50 languages.
Closing Session Speaker
Dr. Kristopher Childs
5 Keys to Creating a Diverse, Equitable, & Inclusive Mathematics Environment
Do you want all students in your environment to learn mathematics and be successful? If yes, then this session is for you. In this session, you will develop a broad purpose of learning mathematics, make sense of the critical components of equitable mathematics instruction, and learn how to be unapologetic when advocating to ensure every student receives the support and resources needed to maximize their learning potential. You will leave the session with practical strategies that can immediately be implemented in your mathematics environment.
Featured Speaker
Jenny Bay-Williams
Basic Fact Interventions that Make Sense
Interventions must build on students’ strengths and support their emerging number sense. Join me to explore research-based instructional strategies, meaningful and enjoyable practice (games!) for learning basic facts and effective diagnostic assessment and progress monitoring tools.
Featured Speaker
Dr. Douglas Clements
The Surprising Importance of Early Math
Given the pandemic’s learning loss is worse in math, what should we do in early math? Is there a (true) science of early math education? We will discuss these questions, focusing on five surprising research findings about early math, including its predictive power, children’s math potential, the need for better curricula, educational technology and teaching supporting excellence and equity, and –for each of these–what we know about the importance of using empirically-validated learning trajectories. Finally, we share the result of decades of research and online resources we are developing for teachers and other educators that promote asset-based equity.
Featured Speaker
Juli K. Dixon
Six (Un)Productive Practices in Mathematics Teaching
Juli Dixon reveals six ways we undermine efforts to increase student achievement and then she goes on to share what to do about them. These teaching practices are commonplace and often required by administrators. Many of them may have been generated from practices in English language arts (ELA) and might work very well in that content area. As a result of this session, you will understand that they are often unproductive when applied during mathematics instruction and may even lead to issues of access and equity. This session helps you to see why these practices are unproductive and assists you in generating a plan for what to do about them.
Featured Speaker
Howie Hua
Making a Better Marketing Team for Math
Math needs a better marketing team. As math teachers, how are we marketing math so students want more? What can we learn from social media to make math more social, exciting, and surprising? Let’s show how math can be fun in this talk.
Featured Speaker
Sue O’Connell
Enhancing K-5 Numeracy Skills: 5 Tips for Developing a Deep Understanding of Numbers
K-5 educators strive to enhance students’ number skills and nurture their number sense in preparation for the challenges of middle grades mathematics and beyond. Explore five critical considerations for designing high-quality learning experiences to expand students’ numeracy skills. Examine the selection of essential number skills, the power of student-created models, the importance of thoughtful math talk, the benefits of attending to learning progressions, and the value of carefully-crafted classroom centers to provide purposeful practice. Leave this session with a plan for selecting, or designing, impactful and differentiated learning experiences that deepen K-5 students’ understanding of numbers!
Featured Speaker
Farshid Safi
Power of Progressions in Teaching K-12 Mathematics with Coherence & Conceptual Understanding
In order to teach equitably and to engage students in deep mathematical thinking, as teachers we need to be knowledgeable of mathematical connections and progressions. By having a firm grasp of the progressions in K-12 mathematical topics, we can serve our students more effectively by knowing the areas that are truly important in earlier grades and mathematical experiences that will follow in our school curriculum. During this session, participants will be engaged in a journey that emphasizes the power of progressions in teaching K-12 Mathematics with coherence and conceptual understanding. We will go along a journey linking fraction concepts, ratio understanding, proportional thinking to rate of change in algebraic & geometric contexts and set the stage for critical calculus concepts. Through a progression roadmap to teach mathematics with true coherence and connections, we will also share strategies for teacher teams, coaches and instructional aids to collaborate within/across grades more effectively in supporting students that may have gaps in their knowledge.
Featured Speaker
Terri Sebring
What in the Real World?!
The BEST standards mention “real-world context” or “real-world problems” throughout the standards for Grades 6-8, Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2. Establishing curiosity about the connections of the mathematics students are studying to the real-world builds from a teacher’s own wonder. Noticing the mathematics in data, food packaging, and other resources can help you lead your students to explore and ask questions. The session will provide you with scaffolding to learn how to write and ask standards-focused questions from what you and your students notice.
Featured Speaker
Dr. Raj Shah
Be Curious, Not Judgmental
Many students think their role is to produce answers. When we measure success by rightness/wrongness, many students lose hope and decide math is not for them. Let’s flip this script by empowering students -and teachers- to be curious, using questions and differentiated extensions to get students unstuck and help them become confident math thinkers. The spirit of this session is to embrace a mindset of “teaching by asking rather than teaching by telling.”
Exhibitor Check In – Registration West | 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM |
Exhibitor Set Up – Caribbean Ballroom I, II, III | 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM |
Participant Check In – Registration East | 4:00 PM – 10:00 PM |
Participant Check In – Registration East | 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM |
Exhibitor Set Up – Caribbean Ballroom I, II, III | 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM |
Opening Session – Caribbean Ballroom III & IV | 8:00 AM – 9:45 AM |
Exhibits – Caribbean Ballroom I, II, III | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM |
Session 1 | 10:15 AM – 11:15 AM |
Session 2 | 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM |
Lunch Break | 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM |
FCTM Board Meeting – Hibiscus | 12:45 PM – 1:15 PM |
FCTM General Meeting – Hibiscus | 1:15 PM – 1:45 PM |
Session 3 | 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM |
Session 4 | 3:15 PM – 4:15 PM |
Participant Check In – Registration East | 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM |
Exhibits – Caribbean Ballroom I, II, III | 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM |
Session 5 | 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM |
Session 6 | 9:15 AM – 10:15 AM |
Elections – Registration West | 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM |
Session 7 | 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM |
Lunch Break | 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM |
Session 8 | 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM |
Session 9 | 2:15 PM – 3:15 PM |
Session 10 | 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM |
Friday Night Party – Caribbean Ballroom III & IV | 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM |
Participant Check In – Registration East | 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM |
Session 11 | 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM |
Session 12 | 9:15 AM – 10:15 AM |
Closing Session – Caribbean Ballroom III & IV | 10:30 AM – 12:15 AM |
Things to Do
Orlando is an unforgettable destination for FCTM’s Annual Conference. Visitors love to explore, stay, and play in the Theme Park Capital of the World.